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根据汽车网2010年9月9日新闻,截止8月统计已销售汽车1091万辆,全年将突破1700万辆大关。我国已进入汽车生产消费大国行列,但在产品研发水平上却仍严重缺乏。2010上半年召回43万,基中国41万,进口1.6万。据2009年度中国汽车产品质量及服务质量投诉报告显示,2009年共收到用户汽车问题投诉9359例,涉及汽车生产企业几十家,被投诉产品覆盖国内汽车市场上的绝大多数车型 。问题主要集中在跑偏、吃胎、漏油、异响、抖动等方面。
This paper introduces a penalized nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation of the log-hazard function in analyzing right censored data.
Time series regression has two purposes-comprehend the functional dependence of variable of interest on covariates and forecast the dependent variable for future values of covariates.
In big data analysis for detecting rare and weak signals among n features,the Higher Criticism test(HC),Berk-Jones test(B-J),and some (o) -divergence tests have been proven optimal under the asymptoti
There have been many researches on the minimax convergence rates for covariance matrices under various covariance classes.
High-throughput expression profiling techniques bring novel tools and also statis-tical challenges to genetic research.
In this paper,we introduce a Feller-Pareto linear regression(FPLR)model based on the Feller-Pareto distribution.
We present a double bootstrap procedure for reducing coverage error in confidence intervals of summary statistics for independent and identically distributed functional data.
We show that,in the functional data context,by appropriately exploiting the functional nature of the data,it is possible to cluster the observations asymptotically perfectly in the case of different l
Large spatial data are becoming more and more popular in environmental science and other related fields.
在“自由一自由”边界条件下,对导弹弹身和舵传动系统进行模态试验,采用多参考最小二乘复频域(P01yMax)法 对结构模态参数进行识别。结果表明该方法对于小阻尼线性结构和大阻尼非线性结构(系统),以及数据被噪声严重污染的 情况,都能够很容易实现准确的模态定阶,并获得精确的模态参数。