Simple carbonate coprecipitation synthesis of high voltage LiNi0.5-xMn1.5+xO4(x=0,0.05,0.1)for lithi

来源 :第十八次全国电化学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leloch
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With an escalating energy crisis and greenhouse gas emission issue, green energy sources and electric vehicles have received a large amount of attention. High energy and high power rechargeable lithium-ion batteries have become dominant energy storage system. As the positive electrode in lithium-ion batteries, LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 has attracted a wide range of attention. With high operation voltage and facile three dimensional lithium-ion diffusion, LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 has high energy and power capabilities. [1,2] In this work. we present a simple carbonate coprecipitation synthesis of spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 and study the influence of ratio of Ni/Mn and annealed process on the performance of spinel.
电子传输和锂离子扩散速率是制约磷酸铁锂材料电化学性能的关键[1-3].本研究采用一种简易的 溶剂热方法合成了一种"面-面"接触模式的磷酸铁锂@石墨烯复合材料(LFP@GNs).在该复合 材料中,(010)晶面择优取向的磷酸铁锂纳米板原位生长于石墨烯纳米片的表面,并且,复合材料 中石墨烯组分相互铰链形成三维多孔的导电网络.
Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries(LIBs) are one of the most promising energy storage devices for electric vehicles(EV) and hybrid electric vehicles(HEV),because of their high energy density,high powe
随着锂离子电池广泛应用于社会各个领域,对锂离子电池的要求越来越高.传统锂离子电池主 要以LiFePO4、层状三元和LiMn2O4作为正极材料.其中,LiFePO4正极材料具有较低的工作电压、 较低的能量密度;层状三元正极材料成本较高、安全性差;LiMn2O4由于存在Jahn-Teller效应以及 Mn3+的溶解,导致LiMn2O4在循环过程中容量衰减严重,这些成为制约其发展的重要元素.
锂离子电池(LIBS)具有容量密度高、寿命长、无记忆效应等优点,在便携式电子设备、储能 设备和动力发电等方面得到了广泛的应用,随着在P-HEVs等方面的应用深入,开发更加高效环保 的锂离子动力电池变得更加迫切[1].
锂离子电池是当今国际公认的理想化学能源,具有体积小、电容量大、电压高等优点,被广泛用于 移动电话、手提电脑等电子产品[1,2].电极材料对锂离子电池的能量密度、安全性和寿命有着重要的影响.作为聚阴离子型锂离子电池正极材料,单斜结构Li3V2(P04)3因具有结构稳定、循环性能优良及安全性能好等优点而日益为人们所关注[3].但由于存在影响其电化学性能的低电导率问题,因 此提高电导率已成为研究这种材料
层状三元氧化物复合正极材料LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2充分综合了 LiCoO2优异的循环性能、 LiMnO2较低的原料成本以及LiNiO2突出的高比容量等优点,是目前极具发展前景的正极材料之一.然而,该材料在长周期循环及大电流密度下的容量衰减严重,极大地制约了其商业化应用[1-3].
The olivine-type LiFeP04 is one of the most promising cathode materials for lithium-ion battery owing to its high operating voltage(~3.4V vs Li/Li+),large theoretical capacity(-170 mA h g-1) and envir
Lithium-ion batteries(LIBs) have attracted increased attention for energy storage development due to the immense demand from portable electronics,(hybrid) electric vehicles and stationary electrical e
LiMnP04(LMP),possessing a moderate working voltage compatible to the present electrolyte systems,can provide a higher energy density than LiFePO4 on account of its higher redox potential of Mn3+/Mn2+(
锂离子电池已经广泛应用在手机,笔记本电脑等移动电子设备.同时锂离子电池具有在电动汽 车和大规模储能装置的应用前景.但是传统锂离子电池正极材料无法满足人们对高比容量,高倍率 性能的电池的需求.因而,钒基氧化物作为高比容量的锂离子电池正极材料成为了研究热点.同时 钒基氧化物展现出其应用于下一代钠离子电池电池的潜力.