A Quick A-BDS Location Method Based on Characteristics of GEO satellite and Ridge Estimate

来源 :第六届中国卫星导航学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuechao002
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  The calculation of traditional A-GPS time-free positioning method will be very complex without the approximate position.But hybrid constellation was adopted by BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS).And the GEO satellite of BDS has high speed of NAV data rate.So a fast positioning method for BDS receiver based on characteristics of GEO satellite and ridge estimate was proposed in this paper.First,an approximate position was got by using ridge estimate with GEO constellation.The ridge estimation can solve problem of coefficient matrix ill-conditioned.Then the signal transmission time of MEO/IGSO satellite was restored with the approximate position.A simulation environment was built by using BDS broadcast ephemeris information.The white noise with 6 meters standard deviation was added topseudoranges.The success rate of the quick location method is big than 99.65% in China surrounding area.And about 80% of China surrounding area can 100% guarantee to restore a complete satellite signal emission time and obtain an accurate position.
近四十年来,日本对在六起大地震中桥梁的受损情况作了调查研究,这六起大地震是: 1923年9月1日关东地震,震级M=8.2; 1946年12月21日南海地震,M=8.1; 1948年6月28日福井地震,M
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[摘 要] 高质量的教师队伍是独立院校实力的重要体现,而做好针对独立院校青年教师的培养工作是建设高质量教师队伍的关键。基础数学教学对独立学院基础教学发展、综合实力及研究生升学率提高都起着至关重要的作用,因此如何培养出一支高素质的数学专职教师队伍,并且使之成为独立学院教师队伍的主体,成为摆在我们面前的一个重要课题。本文以天津大学仁爱学院基础数学教学部青年教师培养为例,对新时期独立学院数学青年教师培养
  Modern satellite navigation system receiver use adaptive antenna array to suppress the RF interferenceand mitigate multipath signals in different directions