GNSS dynamic PPP based on Additional priori coordinate and epoch constraints information

来源 :第五届中国卫星导航学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaixiaoliyanqiong
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With real‐time communication transmission technology development and global GNSS gradually increasing the number of continuous tracking station,No base station to support real‐time Precise Point Positioning (RTPPP) technology gradually been widespread concern and applications,Especially in some type of slowly varying time monitoring and early warning of geological disasters,Disasters such as landslides,mine subsidence,earthquake monitoring.In order to avoid divergent positioning results,real‐time precise point positioning technology in general can be sequential adjustment method solver.Since real‐time PPP technology is a dynamic PPP positioning,coordinates are not generally adding constraints but choosing single epoch estimation.Considering some the motion characteristics of low moving carriers,the carrier has known more precise priori coordinates before positioning itself,At the same time the carrier at a certain fixed length of time (eg 2 hours) can be considered stationary,The a priori information can be used to help improve the positioning accuracy of the carrier real‐time PPP.Based on this starting point,in this paper,A real‐time precise point positioning(PPP) technology based on priori coordinate and epoch constraints information.And use the Changan University Compass Analysis Center provides real‐time BDS orbit and clock products.Combined with BDS monitoring data for experimental verification.Demonstrated the effectiveness of the algorithm and accuracy.
本文通过2441名铁路机车乘务员和502名非乘务员的中心视力(远、 中)、双眼立体视觉、明暗适应及色觉功能的研究,明确指出年龄是影响乘务员视觉功能的主要因素,各项视觉功能明显衰退的年龄阈值为35岁~45岁,并对年龄阈值前后两组的正常值进行了探讨,结合乘务员视作业环境和行车事故的调查,提出了我国铁路机车乘务员视觉功能职业体检标准。
As one of the high‐performance receiver,high sensitivity receiver has gradually become a research hotspot in recent years.Increasing the PDI time can improve S
目的评价2013—2019年河南省城市癌症早诊早治项目地区人群结肠镜筛查结果和依从性。方法研究对象来源于河南省“城市癌症早诊早治项目”,于2013年10月至2019年10月,以郑州市、驻马店市、安阳市、洛阳市、南阳市、焦作市、濮阳市和新乡市为研究地区,招募282 377名40~74岁在本地居住3年以上的人群为研究对象。采用患癌风险评估问卷收集基本人口学特征、饮食习惯、生活环境和习惯、心理和情绪、疾