Neuroprotective effect of morroniside on focal cerebral ischemia in rats

来源 :第二届世界天然药物和传统药物药理学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z7120
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  To examined whether morroniside could protect ischemia/reperfusion-induced brain injury by minimizing oxidative stress and anti-apoptosis.Morroniside was intragastrically administered to rats in doses of 30, 90 and 270 mg· kg-1 ·d-1, starting 3 h after the onset of middle cerebral artery occlusion.The behavioral test was performed by using the Zea-Longa scores, Prehensile Traction score and Ludmila Belayer score.Rats were sacrificed 3 d after ischemia occurred.The infarction volume of brain was assessed in the brain slices stained with 2, 3, 5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride.Cortex tissues were also used for determination of malondialdehyde levels, glutathione levels and superoxide dismutase.The treatment with morroniside significantly improved Zea-Longa scores and Prehensile Traction score at the doses of 30, 90 and 270 mg·kg-1, increased Ludmila Belayer score and reduced the infarction volume at the doses of 90 and 270 rag· kg-1.Morroniside (30, 90 and 270 mg· kg-1) treatment significantly decreased the level of malondialdehyde in ischemic cortex tissues.Morroniside 270 mgo kg-1 treatment significantly increased the content of glutathione,enhanced the activity of superoxide dismutase, but decreased the expression of caspase 3 protein in ischemic cortex tissues.These findings demonstrated that morroniside could significantly protect the brain from damage induced by focal cerebral ischemia which might be related to morroniside antioxidant and anti-apoptotic properties in the brain.
我们以前太迷信吃药了,殊不知,有时真正帮助身体恢复健康的乃是自愈力。  目前,很多医院都倡导用“饮食和营养”来自我调理身体。  而药物,仅仅是额外的支持罢了。    自愈力是与生俱来的好医生    说起自愈力,人们其实并不陌生,感冒了,腿脚碰破了,不管它,过几天伤病自己好了,也就是说自愈了。这个系统是我们的上祖经过自然界亿万年的洗礼,不断地历练而形成,一代代地传给我们的。  自愈力比任何一位名医、
生活中的鲁迅其实是一个幽默的人,常爱开玩笑,十分爱笑,而在晚年专心写作时,可以看出他是一个童心未泯的人.担忧:“一怕英文,二怕古文,三怕树人”周令飞说,无 Lu Xun in lif
  AIM The present study was designed to obverse whether c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase (JNK/SAPK) regulates the angiogenesis of human