On the roles of the binodal line, metastable flow, adjacent surfaces and the spinodal line in free-j

来源 :29th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics(第29届国际 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaoyuemengxiang2009
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Data extracted from time-of-flight (TOF) measurements with more than two peaks made for steady-state He free jets at G¨ottingen already in 1986 [1],for steady-state CO2 free jets [2] and for pulsed Ne free jets investigated recently at Tel Aviv have been added to Fig.1 of Ref.[3],where the terminal condensed-phase mass fraction x21 is plotted as a function of the dimensionless scaling parameter Γ.Γcharacterizes the source (fluid species,temperature,pressure and throat diameter); values of x21 are extracted from TOF measurements using conservation of energy in the free-jet expansion [3].
当轴承在工作时会出现不同的故障,这会引起振动信号的频率分布发生改变,所以故障信号的能量也会发生相应的改变.相对BEMD 能量能够反映信号在不同频段的能量分布信息,因此滚动轴承信号的相对BEMD 能量能反映轴承出现故障情况下振动信号的能量分布特征,可以作为轴承故障诊断中的特征向量.
基于ANSYS 有限元软件,采用shell63、beam189 单元并结合MPC184 技术建立了TLJ900 型架桥机板梁结合的有限元模型,采用三步识别法对TLJ900 型架桥机主梁上易损伤的中部区域裂纹损伤进行识别.
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