Gene expression profiles of hsa-miR-1908 over-expressed human muitipotent adipose-derived stem cells

来源 :第一届中国国际儿童肥胖和高血压学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Free0412
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  To better understand the molecular basis of hsa-miR-1908 in obesity, we examined human multipotent adipose-derived stem (hMADS) cells genes differentially expressed in hsa-miR-1908 over-expressed hMADS cells and hMADS cells as control using cDNA microarrays.We constructed the lentiviral vector containing miR-1908 with high overexpression in infected hMADS cells.cDNA microarrays containing 34127 genes were used to investigate gene expression of hMADS cells.The analysis of gene expression profiles indicated that 69 genes were upregulated and 54 genes were down-regulated in hsa-miR-1908 over-expressed hMADS cells.This study provides a new view on the study of hsa-miR-1908 unraveling some of the molecular events taking place in hMADS cell and will add candidate genes for future investigation.
  背景与目的 体质量指数(Body Mass Index,BMI)和腰围(Waist Circumference,WC)是目前评价儿童青少年肥胖的主要指标,但不同年龄组的BMI和WC评价标准不一,限制了在临床和
  目的 调查学龄前肥胖儿童体能现状,为制定个性化的运动处方提供依据.方法 采用问卷法和标准化测试,了解儿童日常体力活动情况及体能水平.结果 获得学龄前肥胖儿童平均每天
  Methods Quantitative real-time PCR was performed to determine miR-26b expression in obese rodent models, human obesity subjects and insulin-resistant adipoc