Fungi in unusual niches

来源 :Asian Mycological Congress 2013 and The 13th International M | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xtwjun
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  Unusual niches are herein defined as ecological systems which cannot support growth and reproduction of most fungi.Only a small number of fungi are able to survive in these unusual niches and develop special cell structures, metabolic pathways and evolution mechanisms for adaption.We divide the unusual niches into three categories: i) the niches with specific physical or chemical limited factors; ii) the niches with special substrates; iii) the unusual niches limited by integrated factors.We studied the fungal diversity from the niches with specific physical or chemical limited factors (such as low temperature) and the niches with special substrates (such as rock and wetland).
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一樊骏先生不愿做老师,却破例收我为访问学者。对此,我能做出的解释是:出于对一个有志于学术研究的边疆青年的同情。我时常感念与庆幸:跟随樊老师是我一生的福分。 A Mr. Fa
  The Order Dothideales accommodates microfungi which are characterized by a saprobic or parasitic habit, stromatic or astromatic ascomata, bitunicate asci an
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本文就香菇半开放式袋栽技术进行了试验,结果证明,此方法可降低成本,操作方便,节约能源。是提高产量,适合北方地区香菇生产的一种新技术。 In this paper, the semi-open mu