Construction and evaluation of a recombinant adenovirus of the △FosB gene in goat and regulation of

来源 :第七次全国动物生物技术学术研讨会暨新疆畜牧科学院第六次学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaofzp
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  Previous research has shown that the △Finkel-Biskis-Jinkins murine osteosarcoma B (△FosB) gene is related to the metabolism of calcium in bones and that of lipids in fat tissue.To determine if the △FosB gene plays any role in the metabolism of calcium and lipids in the goat mammary gland, a recombinant adenovirus of the △FosB gene, Ad-△FosB, was constructed and evaluated.Goat primary mammary epithelial cells were cultured in vitro.The primary mammary epithelial cells were then infected with △d-AFosB and △FosBs regulation of genes related to calcium and lipid metabolism (Runx2, Smad4, S100A4, S100A13, PPARγ, SCD and FAS) were determined via real-time quantitative PCR.The results show that the mRNA expression of the runt related transcription factor 2 (Runx2), SMAD family member 4 (Smad4), S100 calcium binding protein A4 (S100A4), S100 calcium binding protein A13 (S100A13) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ(PPARγ) genes increased and the mRNA expression of the stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) initially increased and then decreased.The fatty acid synthase (FAS) gene was not regulated by △FosB, which suggests that △FosB can participate in the molecular mechanisms of calcium and lipid metabolism in goat mammary epithelial cells.
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