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In a society which is constantly evolving, there are questions about which tools are most appropriate to solve the growing urban change prone to fragmentation of the built environment. This study aims at investigating whether the transit oriented development may be considered an effective alternative to the current urban change in terms of smart growth. The research starts from the analysis of the main sustainable principles taken into account during the planning and implementation process of two TODs in US and one in EU. Results prove how the correct management of TOD delivers a significant smart growth. Besides the planning of the Transit Oriented Development, the research is focused on the evaluation of positive and negative aspects which derive from its implementations in real contexts. It is also possible to measure the ability of residents to adjust or productively respond to internal population increase, income restrictions, limited employment opportunities and growing ethnic isolation during the implementations of the study cases. The purpose of this study is to give broad guidance to key a public policy decisions and initiatives as well as to astablish a general framework for future development. The framework includes an urban design concept for mixed use, ideas for revised street systems and new open space , recommendations for land use, and requirements for transportation improvements and for their implementation. This initiative proposes a balanced approach which points to a range of reasonable goals and objectives for the city and the community. It is meant to be a pragmatic study regarding economic and physical conditions of the site both today and tomorrow. It is also meant to set new standards and expectations for the future so that an optimistic vision can be achieved.The TOD’s policy scheme aims at improving the quality of the urban enviroments not just by creating new open spaces, but also by restoring the quality and the usage of the existing open spaces. The study cases proposed belong to a wider framework of regional planning strategy which calls for increased density and development in these communities. Planned area redevelopment and increasing real estate values are some of the external pressures that will influence the future. TOD has to handle with urban environments affected by daily struggles among economic pressures and social equity issues. Its role is to alleviate disparities (i.e. job/home mismatches) which affect the low-income families mostly. Non traditional and traditional mixed-uses, such as information technology, research and development, office, retail, housing and culture, can work together to build a strong foundation of a thriving new economy. An equitable approach to Transit Oriented Development seeks to share broadly the benefits of this major public investment in transit access, ensuring that both existing and future residents can benefit through expanded affordable and accessible housing options, opportunities for local business development, affordable access to regional employment opportunities, and enhancing anchors for community life.
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