Chronic sleep restriction induces cognitive deficits and frontal cortical Abeta deposition in mice v

来源 :第六届中国睡眠医学论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:datou19881020
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  [Objective] Chronic sleep restriction (CSR) is a big public health issue in modern society.CSR could affect human health in many aspects, especially the association with Alzheimer s disease.By using CSR with wild type mice, we tried to study the cognitive impairments, the phenomenon and mechanism of beta-Amyloid (Abeta)deposition in brain cortex.[Methods] 9-month-old C57 mice divided into 2 groups: C57 CSR group and C57 control group.Theslowlyrotating wheelswere used to build the model ofchronic sleep restriction for 2 months.Morris Water Maze (MWM)test was used to assess the behavioral impairments.Abeta,Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP), betasite APP Cleaving Enzyme 1 (BACE1) and C99 protein level were measured by ELISA, Western Blot, and ImmunoFluorescence.BACE 1-antisense (BACE l-AS)transcriptand BACE 1 mRNA expression were measured byRTPCR.[Results] Compared with control group, CSR group manifestedpoorer performance in Morris Water Maze test,accompanied by Abeta deposition in frontal cortex.BACE1, C99 protein concentration were increased in CSR group than that of controlgroup, together with the increased level of BACE1-AS level and BACE1mRNA expression.No difference of APP was found between the two groups.[Conclusions] Our study showed the clear evidentthat sleep restriction could cause cognitive impairments and Abeta deposition in the brain cortex in adult wild type C57 mice.BACE-1 pathway played important role in modulate generation and deposition of Abeta, andBACE1-AScould be the key factor that enhance this pathological process.This study also links the chronic sleep deficiency with sporadic Alzheimer s Disease.
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