The Medium Energy electron Ion Collider is aimed at probing the limits of QCD in an extended energy range.It is comprised of two main rings configured to collid
I will discuss the requirements that spin tracking codes need to fulfill in order to be usable for spin tracking simulations for storage ring EDM experiments.
The high luminosity large hadron collider(HL-LHC) upgrade envisions an unprecedented stored beam energy of up to 700 MJ.To protect the machine during operation,
Working with fast pluse currents,Low loss NbTi superconducting wires are required to reduce energy losses in HIAF(High Intensity Heavy-Ion Accelerator Facility)
eRHIC is the proposed electron ion collider(EIC) in Brookhaven National Laboratory,an upgrade of RHIC,the only operating collider in US.The demand of high lumin
ECRIPAC is a new ion-electron accelerator concept using ECR,GYRAC and PLEIADE effects,a Vlasov code using the "particle method" was used to simulate the PLEIADE
Start to end simulations are needed for sensitivity studies and online analysis of experimental data of the Plasma Wakefield Acceleration experiment COMB at SPA