Investigation of the correlation between MODS score and incidence of stress ulcer

来源 :第七次全国中毒与危重症救治学术年会暨第二届宝安急危重症高峰论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jy8578
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  BACKGROUND:To predict the incidence of stress ulcer among multiple organ dysfunction syndrome(MODS) patients, which can provide basis for prophylaxis.METHODS:Clinical data of two hundred and sixty-two patients who conform to the MODS diagnosis criterion[1, 2] admitted to our EICU from August 2008 to August 2012 was investigated in the retrospective study.All MODS patients were evaluated with MODS score criterion of Marshall.According to the diagnosis criterion of stress ulcer[3], the stress ulcer was identified.Correlation between the score with incidence of stress ulcer was studied by rank method.The ability of MODS score to predict the incidence of stress ulcer was estimated with ROC.Optimization critical value was obtained by Youden index.RESULTS:Spearman Correlation coefficient was 0.693(P<0.01).The area under the ROC was 0.793 (P <0.01).The optimization critical value to predict the incidence of stress ulcer was 9.Conclusion:The incidences of stress ulcer can be predicted by MODS score to some extent.Stress ulcer prophylaxis is necessary when the MODS score is above 9.
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