
来源 :机械技术史 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shanxidongfang
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中国机械工程在世界文明史中占有重要的位置,它以其巨大的科学成就自立于世界科学技术之林。在漫长的历史岁月中,中华民族创造了令世人瞩目的机械奇迹;无论是随州曾侯乙墓出土的编钟,秦陵出土的铜车马,张衡研制的浑天仪、地动仪,还是汉人的透光镜,宋代的铜洗、水远仪象台等等,这些创造与发明巧妙地运用了机械学、振动学,以及声学、光学原理。其设计之巧妙,构思之奇特,技艺之精湛,早为世人所称道。特别在浩如烟海的中国古代文献中,有着丰富多彩的机械设计方法和设计思想的记载.这些历电文献既是一个文化宝库,也是古代机械设计思想的宝库。诸如先秦之际的《周礼·考工记》、《墨经》,宋之《新仪象法要》,元之《农书》,明之《天工开物》等,都详尽地阐述了中国古代的机械设计方法和设计思想。其议论精切,颇多卓见,闪烁着中华文化的光华.在世界科学技术史上留下了深深的印记,并对中国乃至世界机械工程的发展产生了一定的影响。回顾中国古代文献中有关机械设计方法的论述,探讨和学习中国的先贤在创造光辉的科技成中所表现出的创造精神和自信心,对于今天中国机械设计学的发展,无疑提供了历史的借鉴。 China’s mechanical engineering occupies an important position in the history of world civilization. It has made itself independent of the world’s science and technology with its enormous scientific achievements. In the long historical years, the Chinese nation has created a mechanical miracle that attracts worldwide attention. Whether it is the bells unearthed from the Tomb of Emperor Zeng in Suizhou, the bronze horse unearthed in the Qinling Tombs, the armillary sphere instrument developed by Zhang Heng, the tombstone, or the Chinese translucent mirror , The copper washing in the Song Dynasty, the water far from the platform, etc. These creative and invention clever use of mechanics, vibration, and acoustic, optical principles. Its clever design, unique design, superb skills, as early as the world praised. Especially in the vast ancient Chinese literature, there are colorful mechanical design methods and design records, which are both a cultural treasure house and a treasure house of ancient mechanical design ideas. Such as the pre-Qin period, “Zhou Gong Kaogongji”, “Mojing”, Song’s “new method of law”, Yuan’s “Agricultural Book”, Ming’s “Heavenly Creations” and so on, elaborated China Ancient mechanical design methods and design ideas. The discussion is very precise, quite a lot Zhuosui, flashing the glory of Chinese culture in the history of science and technology in the world left a deep imprint, and the development of China and the world of mechanical engineering had a certain impact. Recalling the discussion of mechanical design in ancient Chinese literature, discussing and studying the creative spirit and self-confidence demonstrated by the Chinese sages in creating brilliant science and technology, it undoubtedly provides historical reference for the development of China’s mechanical design. .
月经疹是一种与妇女月经周期相关而发生的变态反应性皮肤损害.笔者对26例月经疹以中药为主治疗,获良好疗效,现总结如下.1 临床资料26例中,年龄30-35岁2例,36-40岁8例,41-45岁
<正>(接上期)5 JWIR简介大阪大学接合科学研究所(JWRI)是日本国内唯一与焊接、接合有关的综合研究所,也是接合科学共同利用和共同研究基地,承担着与焊接、接合有关的科学研究