Parameter optimization and application of 320 slice spiral CT pulmonary angiography

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mashangdenglu998
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  Objective To explore the application value of 320 slice spiral CT personalized scanning of pulmonary angiography and the reduction of radiation dose.Methods from 2014 to 2016 in our hospital 200 cases with suspected pulmonary embolism were recruited in our study and received 320-slice spiral CT pulmonary artery angiography examination.40 cases with CT configuration of the original scanning parameters(120kV,300mA,0.45s/r)and the recommended contrast velocity and amount 眀攀爀攀 treated as a control group; According to the BMI,160 patients were divided into four groups(A,B,C,D)with 40 cases in each group.Group A with BMI<18.5,scanning parameters of 100 kV,250mA were used.Group B with BMI 18.5-23.9,scanning parameters of 100 kV,300mA were used.Group C with BMI 24-27.9 scanning parameters of 120 kV,250mA were used.Group D with BMI is greater than or equal to 28,scanning parameters of 120 kV,350 mA were used.Rotation speed 0.45s/r,the scanning field LL(maximum scanning field)were adopted in group A,B,C and D with contrast agent flow rate of 4.0-6.0mL/s and total amount of 50-80ml.Scanning was performed according to the patients lung morphology on the reasonable scanning range,patients receiving radiation dose was recorded after scanning.Data was post-processed with MIP,VR reconstruction and double blind analysis was carried out by two senior radiologists.According to the branch vessels showing condition,four-grades including excellent,good,meet the diagnosis,and unqualified were assessed.Statistical analysis 眀愀猀 carried out using SPSS13.0,and P < 0.05 considered the differences are statistically significant.Results In group A,the radiation dose was 4.08-5.34mSv,and image quality was determined as the unqualified(n = 4),meet the diagnosis(n = 3),good(n = 28),and excellent(n= 5),respectively.In group B,the radiation dose was 4.87-6.43mSv,and image quality was determined as the unqualified(n = 2),meet the diagnosis(n = 3),good(n = 20),and excellent(n= 15),respectively.In group C,the radiation dose was 6.70-8.79 mSv,and image quality was determined as the unqualified(n = 3),meet the diagnosis(n = 6),good(n = 20),and excellent(n= 11),respectively.In group D,the radiation dose was 9.32-12.30mSv,and image quality was determined as the unqualified(n = 1),meet the diagnosis(n = 3),good(n = 15),and excellent(n= 21),respectively.In control group,the radiation dose was 8.02-10.55mSv,and image quality was determined as meet the diagnosis(n = 4),good(n = 7),and excellent(n= 29),respectively.There was a great difference between group A and the control group,P=0.02<0.05.No difference was found among group B,C and D.Conclusion Individualized scanning of pulmonary artery according to the body mass index(BMI)has important application value,which can effective reduce the radiation dose and the risk of allergy at the same time with the adjustment of the flow of the contrast agent.
目的 探讨小肠CT在小肠疾病中的临床价值。方法 回顾性分析65例临床怀疑小肠疾病患者,男29例,女36例,中位年龄52岁。行小肠CT扫描,结合多平面重建(MPR)、最大密度投影(MIP)和容积重建技术(VRT)观察肠腔、肠壁、肠系膜血管及肠周情况。结果 65例患者中发现阳性病例26例,脂肪瘤6例,间质瘤5例,小肠腺癌2例,小肠淋巴瘤3例,炎性肠病2例,肠梗阻6例,血管发育异常2例。结论 小肠CT对
目的:通过用CRANEX 3+(CEPH)型全景曲面断层X光机在儿童鼻咽侧位摄影对临床应用价值。方法:通过儿童普通鼻咽侧位摄片和用CRANEX 3+(CEPH)型全景曲面断层X光机在儿童鼻咽侧位摄片各80例进行比较分析。材料:改进组(用CRANEX 3+(CEPH)型全景曲面断层X光机进行儿童鼻咽侧位摄片)80例儿童患者,其中男性----例,女性----例,年龄最小3岁,最大17岁,平均年龄---
目的 探讨多层CT(multi-slice CT,MSCT)在诊断嗜酸性肉芽肿中的价值。方法 8例嗜酸性肉芽肿术前均实施MSCT扫描,分别从患者性别发病年龄、临床表现、发病部位、影像表现、误诊情况、治疗等方面进行回顾性分析。结果 8例患者中,好发于儿童及青少年,男女比例约为2:1;好发部位为下颌磨牙区及下颌角;影像表现为颌骨中央不规则、溶解样破坏,破坏区呈地图状、虫蚀样改变;骨破坏边缘不清晰;临床
目的 探讨磁敏感加权成像(SWI)在新生儿颅内出血的诊断价值.方法 对2013年1月至2015年12月115例怀疑脑损伤的新生儿行常规MRI(包括T1WI、T2WI、FLAIR)、DWI和SWI检查,明确有无颅内出血,并且比较三者对新生儿颅内出血检出率、分布区域及病灶检出个数之间的差异.结果 在115例新生儿中,常规MRI、DWI及SWI检出颅内出血例数(检出率)分别为30(26.1%)、14(1
目的 研究颌骨动静脉畸形(AVM)的影像学表现,探讨X线,CT及MRI对颌骨AVM的诊断价值.方法 回顾性分析我院2004年至2014年期间临床怀疑颌骨AVM的病例124例,119例经血管造影或手术病理证实为颌骨AVM,其中57例病人均行增强CT检查,23例行X线检查,14例行增强MRI检查.分析颌骨AVM的临床特征及影像学表现,分别观察病变部位、形态、边界、内部结构、邻近结构侵犯以及增强后密度或
目的 探讨1.5T磁共振T2*mapping序列定量评价2型糖尿病早期左室心肌微循环改变.方法 选取20名健康志愿者(对照组)及25名确诊为糖尿病的早期患者(病例组)先行1.5T磁共振(西门子公司)心脏常规序列,通过左心室短轴位测量左心室射血分数;再行T2*mapping序列测量左室16段心肌T2*值;研究方法组内采用独立样本T检验,组间采用配对T检验.结果 正常对照组左心室16段心肌T2*值各不
目的 探讨磁共振动态增强定量参数在前列腺癌鉴别诊断中的可行性及临床应用价值.方法 收集疑诊前列腺癌患者45例,行前列腺磁共振扫描及动态增强灌注成像,其中良性病变23例,前列腺癌22例,其中16例患者采用前列腺根治切除进一步证实.两名医师参照T2WI低信号区域,协商一致后共同在DCE病灶区放置ROI,测量病灶区定量参数转运常数(Ktrans)、血管外细胞间隙体积百分数(V e)及速率常数(Kep).
目的 评估青少年克罗恩病小肠炎症,弥散加权成像磁共振小肠造影(DWI-MRE)的成像效果是否劣于对比增强磁共振小肠造影(CEMRE).方法 通过伦理学委员会审查、批准和获得知情同意进行前瞻性非劣效性试验.53例临床怀疑克罗恩病的青少年患者,1周内进行MRE和回结肠镜检查.MRE成像序列包括:T2WI、CE-T1WI序列和DWI(b值=900s/mm2)、ADC序列.42例克罗恩患者,共158阶段小