The Livability of Guangzhou City:Approach from Japanese Housewives

来源 :第4届中日韩地理学家学术研讨会暨第12次全国青年地理工作者学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fyz123456
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  The idea of livable city is in the spotlight in China recently,not only the government,but also the researchers and the media have paid attention to the livable city.But it’s a pity that the livable city’s concept and relevant standard are not clear.Reflections on how to define livable city are basic in this article.Besides,questionnaire and semi-structured interviews are combined to discuss the livability of Guangzhou from the prospective of some particular citizens,the professional housewives who emigrating from Japan into Guangzhou.Those Japanese housewives have only involved the living space and have separated from the production space for some reasons.So their evaluations of Guangzhou city’ livability are objective.According to those Japanese housewives’ contrast between Japanese cities and Guangzhou,the degree of livability and the main aspects of improvement in Guangzhou are well discussed.Except living condition,other aspects like education,medical treatment,security and environment are worse than those in Japan from Japanese housewives’ point of view.Therefore,the following conclusion can be drawn,it’s that those Japanese housewives think Guangzhou has a long way to go in order to become a real livable city.For one thing,its degree of livability is low.For another,both those housewives’ special cultural background and how long they have been in Guangzhou play a crucial role.Finally,the article advances that if Guangzhou wants to become a real livable city,it should work hard on the following aspects: first of all,increase Guangzhou city’s convenience of life and living comfortment; secondly,improve Guangzhou city’s housing conditions and enhance living safety; third,carry out the policy of enriching the people.
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