VAPs,Candidate Proteins Involved in Anchoring the Endoplasmic Reticulum to the Plasma Membrane in Pl

来源 :2rd International Symposium on Integrative Plant Biology第二届国 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinayzx
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  The cortical endoplasmic reticulum (ER) network in plant cells is a highly dynamic structure; its movements are regulated by the actin cytoskeleton in most cell types.Therefore, there must be mechanisms that hold the ER network in position while it is remodelling.Two recent studies on ER persistency mapping and optical laser trapping indicated the existence of ER-to-plasma membrane-(PM)-anchoring sites.To date, proteins that are targeted to the ER/PM anchor sites or regulated ER anchoring have not been identified.Here, we show that the family of proteins, VAP (vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein), may be involved in this process.In both mammal and plants, VAPs have been shown to be involved in lipid transport.In our study, two proteins within this family, PVA12 and VAP27 were studied and characterised using fluorescent protein fusions and confocal microscopy in both tobacco and Arabidopsis.
最近,我家附近的街头巷尾,随处可见税法知识的宣传标语,我觉得可新鲜了。给我印象最深的是这条标语——诚信纳税,利国利民。看到它,我想起了一句话——税收是国家治理的基础和重要支柱,对什么是“税”产生了极大的兴趣。  一天晚上,我缠着媽妈给我讲关于税的故事。妈妈经不住我的软磨硬泡,总算答应了。但是,妈妈没有直接给我解释,而是问了我一个有趣的问题:“子夏,你说,如果你开了一家小店,每个月的收入并不多,你会
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