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犯罪学基础理论是关于犯罪学产生与发展的根本之系统知识,在学术上属于学的范畴。我国犯罪学的基础理论研究晚于西方,其学科设立的时间较短,这使我们成了后行者。我国犯罪学研究具有如下问题:其一,作为后行者有学习、借鉴先行者的条件,但往往也会造成惰性。我国犯罪学研究的理论成果,不少有连篇累牍地摘引、照抄、“言必称希腊”的现象,这是研究惰性的反映。其二,重术轻学,有些人错误地认为理论是毫无价值的空谈。其三,犯罪学研究在广度上有偏重社会科学、忽视自然科学的倾向,在深度上有浅尝辄止、不求甚解的弊病。其四,研究成果重表述形式,轻思想内容;重数量,轻质量。其五,没能吸引和有力组织多学科、多方面的人才参与研究。犯罪学基础理论的发展需要开阔视野,拓宽领域,打破传统的刑事科学应用学科主流观念的束缚。犯罪学学者应向非刑事科学领域学科挺进,以便对犯罪学基础理论提出有创辟胜解的诠释。犯罪学研究机构应大力采取具体措施,促进基础理论的研究和发展。建立健全研究载体,重视争取主政者与权威人士的参与和支持。 The basic theory of criminology is the systematic knowledge of the origin and development of criminology, which belongs to the academic category of learning. The basic theoretical study of criminology in China is later than the West, and its disciplines have been established for a short period of time, which has made us become followers. The study of criminology in our country has the following problems: First, as a follower, there are conditions for learning and drawing on pioneers, but they often result in inertia. Many of the theoretical achievements of criminological research in our country have been drawn incessantly and cursedly. The phenomenon that “words must be called Greece” is a reflection of research inertia. Second, there are some people who mistakenly think that theory is worthless rhetoric. Third, the study of criminology in the breadth of emphasis on social sciences, neglect of the natural sciences tend to depth, do not ask a solution to the shortcomings. Fourth, the research results re-expression of the form, light thinking content; heavy quantity, light weight. Fifth, failed to attract and effectively organize multidisciplinary, multi-faceted talent to participate in the study. The development of the basic theory of criminology needs to broaden the horizons, broaden the field and break the shackles of the mainstream concepts of the traditional criminal science disciplines. Criminology scholars should advance to the discipline of non-criminal science in order to put forward a transcendental interpretation of the basic theory of criminology. Criminological research institutes should take concrete measures to promote the research and development of basic theories. Establish and improve the carrier of research, attach great importance to gain the participation and support of the leader and the authoritative person.
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<正> 中国封建社会后期出现的《儒林外史》,是一部杰出的文学作品,它全面地反映了漫漫封建长夜最黑暗时期处于封建统治下的人们的生活及精神面貌。尤其是作者吴敬梓把笔对准