Flow Changes after Endovascular Treatment of a Wide-neck Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm by U

来源 :BIT`s 4th Annual International Congress of Cardiology-2012(2 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:R_Edge
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  Endovascular treatment for a wide-neck anterior communicating artery (AcomA) aneurysm remains technically challenging.Stent-assisted embolization has been proposed as an alternative of treatment of complex aneurysms.
  Stroke is the main cause of death in Brazil, and the 3rd cause in the world.Atrial fibrillation (AF) itself doubles the risk of stroke.Our group demonstrate
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摘 要掌握一定阅读技巧是小学生提升英语能力最有效的方法之一。培养学生们的阅读理解能力不仅能突显教师的教学水平,也能更好地判断学生运用英语的程度,帮助教师有针对性的进行教学。但是,目前我国小学生们的阅读能力还未达到较高水平,在小学英语教学的阅读理解中仍需要进一步改进。因此,本文通过讲述小学生阅读能力的重要性,结合小学英语阅读中的实例给出了提高阅读能力的具体办法,从而完善小学英语阅读能力的教学策略。 
  Since the number of implanted pacemakers and defibrillators has grown significantly in the recent past, clinicians are being exposed to increased numbers of
  With CCM a new concept for heart failure treatment is introduced using stimulation during the regular muscle contraction to improve cardiac power.In the pre
李文华1927年生于北京,1962年调入中国广播艺术团说唱团,先后与刘宝瑞、马季、郝爱民、姜昆等人合作相声表演,系全国十大相声笑星之一,在圈内有“老李大爷”的亲切称谓。 Li
  The current study aims to report our experience with the Ross operation in adult patients and the need for reintervention at intermediate follow-up.
1904年农历十月,慈禧太后大办70寿诞。近代民主革命家章太炎(1869-1936)深为不满,便作联讽刺之:今日到南苑,明日到北海,何时再到古 October 1904 Lunar New Year, Empress D