A subspace projection method for finding the extreme Z-eigenvalues of supersymmetric positive defini

来源 :International Conference on the spectral theory of the tenso | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhlinen
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  A subspace projection method is presented for finding the exteme Z-eigenvalues of m-th order n-dimensional supersymmetric positive definite tensor $A$.The idea is based on the geometric properties of Z-eigenvalues and Z-eigenvectors that the shortest distance from $S=\{x\inR^n|Ax^m=c,c>0\}$ to the origin is $\sigma_{min}=(\frac{c}{\lambda_{max}})^{\frac{1}{m}}$.And the shortest distance can be obtained by projecting the original problem into a two dimension subspace in each iteration where the Z-eigenvalue of the reduced tensor can be computed directly.A subspace projection algorithm is proposed.The preliminary numerical results show that the algorithm performs very well.Some extensions are also considered.
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