"Effects of Greenhouse Climate Control Equipment on Greenhouse Microclimate and Crop Response&q

来源 :2011第二届中国·寿光国际设施园艺高层学术论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cc_001111
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  An overview of the good agricultural practices for greenhouse horticulture in the Mediterranean and South East Europe regions is presented and discussed.Special emphasis is given on the effects of climate control equipment on:(a) greenhouse microclimate and (b) crop response.The main greenhouse climate control systems presented and discussed are the heating,dehumidification,ventilation,shading and cooling systems.These systems are the most widely used for greenhouse climate control especially in the Mediterranean area.In these areas,natural ventilation and whitewashing are the most common methods/systems used for greenhouse climate control during summer,since it require less energy,less equipment operation and maintenance and are much cheaper to install that other cooling systems.However,generally these systems are not sufficient for extracting the excess energy during sunny summer days and therefore,other cooling methods such as forced ventilation combined with evaporative cooling (mist or fog system,sprinklers,wet pads),are used.On the other hand,during winter period,heating and dehumidification are necessary for a standard quality production.Optimal greenhouse climate control become more important in the latter part of the twentieth century,when concerns about food safety,environmental pollution stimulated extensive research in the development of Integrated Production and Protection systems aiming at a significant reduction of pesticides use.The prospective and needs for future research and development in greenhouse climate control are presented in the conclusion.Special emphasis is given on the necessity to combine both physical and ecophysiological studies,because of the crucial role played by the crop in determining the microclimate in greenhouses.
马克斯·魏勒 (MaxWeiler) 1 91 0年生于奥地利蒂罗尔。 1 93 0年至 1 93 7年 ,就读于维也纳绘画艺术学院 ,从师于卡尔·施泰勒教授。学习期间 ,老师向他介绍了一些中国唐宋山水画家的
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