Approximation Algorithms for Two Variants of Multiple Knapsack Problem with Restricted Bipartite Gra

来源 :第五届全国组合数学与图论大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huitianfly
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  Given n items with different sizes si and profits pi, m knapsacks with different capacities cj and a restricted bipartite graph G =(S ∪ T, E), where each vertex ui in G presents an item i, and the two items i and j may be packed into same knapsack only if the two vertices ui and uj are adjacent in G, and for 1 ≤ k ≤ m, the profit of each knapsack bk is defined as the total profit of the items packed into the knapsack bk, we study two variants of the multiple knapsack problem with restricted bipartite graph (MKPBG) as follows: (i) the objective is to maximize the total profit of items packed in these m knapsacks (Max-Sum MKPBG, for short);(ii) the objective is to maximize the minimum value of m profits among these m knapsacks (Max-Min MKPBG, for short).
南京师范大学文学院教授吴调公先生于 2 0 0 0年 5月 2 6日不幸逝世 ,享年八十七岁。吴调公先生 ,原名吴鼎第 ,笔名丁谛。生于 1 91 4年 ,江苏省镇江市人 ,中共党员、九三学
  A H is a triple H =(X,C,D), where X is the vertex set and C and D are families of subsets of X, called the C-edges and D-edges.A vertex coloring of His prop
  Let G be a finite connected graph.The genus of G is the minimum genus among the genera of all orientable surfaces in which G can be embedded.In this paper,w