
来源 :中国营养学会第十三届全国营养科学大会暨全球华人营养科学家大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baotong1029
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目的 通过动物实验来研究多不饱和脂肪酸 (PUFA) 对丙戊酸钠 (VPA) 诱导的神经管畸形(NTD) 发病率的影响.方法 6周龄的60 只雌鼠与30 只雄鼠适应2周后,按2:1 合笼交配.交配成功后的雌鼠随机分为5组,其中两组用橄榄油强化饲料(单不饱和脂肪酸,MUFA) 喂养,另外三组分别用亚麻籽油强化饲料 (C18:3n-3)、鱼油强化饲料(n-3 长链多不饱和脂肪酸,n-3 LCPUFA)、玉米油强化饲料 (n-6 PUFA) 喂养.
Objectives This study evaluated the association of maternal excessive gestational weight gain with saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations in maternal and cord serum.Methods We include
目的 研究孕期PM2.5 暴露对子代小鼠生理发育和神经行为的影响,探索VC 及槲皮素对PM2.5 的这一发育毒性是否具有改善作用.方法 收集2016年非采暖期北京市某地区PM2.5 样品,以无菌PBS配制不同浓度的PM2.5 溶液.将健康ICR孕鼠随机分为空白对照组、PM2.5 低、中、高剂量组,VC干预组和槲皮素干预组.
Objective It is well documented that physical activity is important for healthy lifestyle.However,many life-change events may change in physical activity level.Previous studies have reported lower lev
Objective Pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus are at higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes.The prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus is rising worldwide.This study aimed to pro
Background Childhood obesity has grown to be one major health issue in China,while obesogenic environment plays a great role.We conducted this community-based lifestyle intervention targeting obese an
Twenty-one-day-old female Wistar rats were treated daily with orally administered soy isoflavones (SIFs) at concentrations of 0,25,50,or 100 mg/kg body weight from weaning until sexual maturity (3 mo.
Objective Physical inactivity poses a great threat to public health in the 21st century.However,little is known about the status of physical inactivity and its influencing factors among pregnant women
目的 观察独生子女对小学生体质指数和体脂肪含量的影响.方法 2515 名上海市浦东新区高行镇小学生(男生1323 名,女生1192 名)纳入本研究.2013 年采集小学生身高、体重和体脂肪含量作为基线数据,并于2014 和2015 年进行重复测量.出身体重、出生后喂养方式、学生饮食、运动情况以及父母教育程度及父母自身的身高体重依据问卷调查表.
目的 了解西部地区102名儿童保健专业技术人员健康行为的现况,为制定相关干预措施提供参考依据.方法 采用问卷调查法对德阳市第五届儿童保健学术交流会的102名参与者(主要来自德阳市、成都市、绵阳市、广元市等周边地区的医疗保健机构的儿童保健专业技术人员)进行健康行为现况调查.
Objective To explore,by conducting a meta-analysis,whether gestational impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is an independent predictor of neonatal large for gestational age (LGA) or not.Methods Medline,E