Subglacial bedrock drilling in Antarctica past experience and future plans

来源 :2013中国极地科学学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiushuigediao
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  Subglacial bedrock drilling in Antarctica offers unique opportunities for examining processes acting at the ice sheet bed and provides important geological, tectonic, and geophysical data.Retrieving bedrock samples under Antarctic ice sheet is a very difficult task because drilling operations are complicated by extremely low temperature at the surface of, and within glaciers, and by glacier flow, the absence of roads and infrastructures, storms, winds, snowfalls, etc.To recover bedrock core two types of drilling technologies might be considered: pipe-string rotary drilling and electromechanical cable-suspended drilling.In 1950s few attempts to get subglacial samples were carried out near Mirny Station using pipe-string rotary drill rigs.Drilling operations were very unstable, and the recovery of subglacial material was poor.In the middle of the 1970s a wire-line drilling rig was considered for use within the framework of the International Antarctic Glaciological Project with the main aim to core through the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and into the bedrock beneath it.The project was not fulfilled due to organizational and fmancial reasons.Recently the concept of Rapid Access Ice Drill (RAID) based on conventional wire-line diamond drilling system for drilling through Antarctic ice sheet and sampling of subglacial rocks is building up in University of Wisconsin, USA.
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