Targeted delivery of PLK1-siRNA by ScFv suppresses Her2+ breast cancer growth and metastasis

来源 :22nd Asia Pacific Cancer Conference(第22届亚太抗癌大会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leisiyue520zh
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  A major obstacle of developing small interfering RNAs(siRNAs) as cancer drugs was intracellular delivery to disseminated cancer cells.Fusion proteins of single-chain fragmented antibodies(ScFvs) and positively charged peptides delivered siRNAs onto specific target cells.However, the therapeutic potential of ScFvmediated siRNA delivery was not evaluated in cancer.Here, we tested whether Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) siRNAs complexed with Her2-ScFv-protamine peptide fusion protein (F5-P) could suppress Her2+ breast cancer cell lines and primary human cancers in orthotopic breast cancer models.PLK1-siRNAs transferred by F5-P inhibited target gene expression, reduced proliferation,and induced the apoptosis of Her2+ breast cancer cell lines and primary human cancer cells in vitro without triggering interferon response.Intravenously injected F5-P/PLK1-siRNA complexes concentrated in orthotopic Her2+ breast cancer xenografts and persisted for at least 72 h, leading to suppressed PLK1 gene expression and tumor cell apoptosis.The intravenously injected siRNA complexes retarded Her2+ breast tumor growth, reduced metastasis, and prolonged survival without evident toxicity.F5-P-mediated delivery of a mixture of PLK1, CCND 1, and AKT siRNAs was more effective than that of equivalent dose of PLK1-siRNAs alone.These data suggested that F5-P could be used to deliver siRNAs to treat Her2+ breast cancer.
  Breast cancer is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in women.The incidence of this disease continues to increase and affect young women.Consider
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