Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Disease Incidence Data

来源 :上海交通大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdhpll
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  To monitor the incidence rates of cancers,AIDS,cardiovascular diseases,and other chronicle or infectious diseases,some global,national and regional reporting systems have been built to collect/provide population-based data about the disease incidence.
Nature-inspired meta-heuristic algorithms are increasingly studied and used in computer science and engineering disciplines to solve high-dimensional complex optimization problems in the real world.
Atrial fibrillation(AF)is associated with significant morbidity and mortality,and increases the risk of stroke by 5-fold.
The work is motivated by a medical study on peritonitis in Taiwan,where patients on peritoneal dialysis might experience two types of peritonitis(Gram-positive or non-Gram-positive),each of which coul
Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of the new oral anticoagulants vs.warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation by the meta-analyses performed for 5 studies ARISTOTLE,ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48,RE
In recent years,developing pharmaceutical products via a multiregional clinical trial(MRCT)has become more popular.
Fund management based on index-tracking is well-studied and widely-practiced.Stock index funds represent more than 75% of index mutual funds valued over 1.7 trillion dollars.
Estimating a patients mortality risk is important in making treatment decisions.Treebased methods are useful tools to identify risk groups and conduct prediction by employing binary recursive partitio
Phase Ⅰ designs traditionally use the dose-limiting toxicity(DLT),a binary endpoint based on the first treatment cycle,to locate the maximum-tolerated dose(MTD)assuming a monotonic relationship betwee
Computer simulations based on computational fluid dynamics,finite element analysis,discrete element models and multi-physics codes are widely used in automotive,finance,data centers and many other app
Much attention has been paid to estimating the causal effect of adherence to a randomized protocol using instrumental variables to adjust for unmeasured confounding.