The Efficacy and Safety of Chemoembolization of Gelatin Sponge Particles Combined with Epirubicin in

来源 :2011第四届世界癌症大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshimaizi
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  Objective To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of transarterial chemoembolization(TACE) with gelatin sponge particles(diameter between 350 to 560μm) in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).Methods All of the patients who were treated with gelatin sponge particles with the size of 350~560μm were selected in the international diagnosis standard.The stopping standard is while the arteries of tumor were embolized completely.we recorded the changes of the liver function, AFP, side effects, survival of six months and average survival before embolization Respectively at 4 days and 7 days after treating.Also, the changes of tumor density and size are observed by SCT after the TACE at 4 days and 1 month.Results Forty-nine patients with HCC were enrolled into this study.The diameter of tumor between 10cm to 15cm were 18,12 patients were 15cm to 20cm, and 2 patients were large than 20cm.The nodular were 14 patients and the diffuse were 3 patients.Portal vein tumor thrombus were 6 cases including 2 cases involved trunk, 2 cases transfer to lung, and 1 was dead in myocardial infarction.the total of TACE treatment were 162 times, the average number of treatments were 3.3.After the follow-up from 2.5 months to 2 years.Survival less than 6 months were 6 cases.4 and 7 days After TACE, TB: 38.60±a18.47 u mol/l、 28.36 ±12.24 u mol/l、 ALT: 150.96±55.17 U/L、 84.03±18.38 U/L.ALB:29.13±5.98g/l、 32.50±6.08 g/l.Forty-six patients had CT scan examination 4 days after embolization,100% cases of the tumor density were significantly declined, 92.5% cases were mostly cellular necrosis.Side effects: 100% cases of stomach discomfort and 1 case of liver abscess.Conclusion Our experience in HCC patients treated with gelatin sponge particles alone combined with chemoembolization had shown that it was a safe and effective treatment with no serious damage to liver and side effects.
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