Factors Influencing Balanced Development of Land Use & Transportation: A Case Study on Beijing

来源 :第十八届中国科协年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:drake0266
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  In recent years,when China saw a sustained economic growth and accelerated urbanization,Beijing has experienced a great increase of urban construction in terms of both speed and scale,with its functional structure being adjusted and its urban space being expanded continuously.At the same time,there emerged the issue of unbalanced development between land use and transportation,both of which are the important parts of urban construction,attracting gradually the attention of different fields of the society.This unbalanced development can be seen,at the macro level of the whole city,from the inconsistent layout of land-use and road system and the inconsistent distribution of real estate development and transportation infrastructure construction,as well as at the micro level of a specific locality,from the inconsistent matching of the intensity of real estate development with the carrying capacity of transportation infrastructures and the inconsistent implementation of real estate development and transportation infrastructure construction.The factors influencing the balanced development of land-use and transportation involve not only urban planning,but also urban governance,implementation mechanism,and planning techniques as well.
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