Tropical Cyclone Formation Associated with Monsoon Gyres.Part Ⅰ:Observational Analysis

来源 :第29届中国气象学会年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong457
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  Large-scale monsoon gyres and the involved tropical cyclone formation over thewestern North Pacific have been documented in previous studies.This study is aimedto understand how monsoon gyres affect tropical cyclone formation.As the first part of this study,an observational study is conducted on monsoon gyres during the period2000-2010,with a focus on their structures and the associated tropical cycloneformation.A total of 36 monsoon gyres are identified in May-October during 2000-2010,among which 31 monsoon gyres are accompanied with the formation of 43 tropicalcyclones,accounting for 20.3% of the total tropical cyclone formation.Monsoongyres generally are found on the poleward side of the climatological monsoon troughwith a peak occurrence in August-October.Extending about 1000 km outward from the center in at lower levels,the cyclonic circulation of the composited monsoon gyreshrinks with height and is replaced with negative relative vorticity above 200 hPa.The maximum winds of the composited monsoon gyre appear 500-800 km away from the gyre center with a magnitude of 8-13 m s-1 at 850 hPa.In agreement with previousstudies,the composited monsoon gyre shows enhanced southwesterly flows andconvection on the south-southeast side due to Rossby wave energy dispersion.Mostof tropical cyclones associated with monsoon gyres are found to form near the centersof monsoon gyres and the northeast end of the enhanced southwesterly flows,accompanying with weak vertical wind shear.
利用β-葡萄糖苷酶对胡黄连苷Ⅱ(1)进行酶解,得到一种新的环烯醚萜类化合物,通过理化性质、纯度检验及质谱、1H NMR、13CNMR等鉴定,确定为一种新的化合物,即胡黄连苷Ⅱ苷元,
利用多巴胺和5-羟色胺在碱性条件下能发生氧化自聚合反应的特性,制备了 pH 响应性电荷反转型共聚物纳米粒(PDHNPs).采用透射电镜、紫外吸收光谱及红外光谱对所得纳米粒进行表
  本文利用实时观测资料、NCEP 再分析资料和白山站多普勒雷达资料,对2009 年2 月12-13 日东北地区东南部暴雪过程进行初步分析,结果表明:(1)此次暴雪区域大、降雪量多、降雪量
采用溶剂冷冻干燥法制备泮托拉唑钠(1)肠溶固体分散体,并优化其处方工艺.运用鱼骨图分析法结合Plackett-Burman 设计(PBD),以在pH 6.8 介质中45 min 时的累积释放率为考察指
  利用多普勒雷达等资料,对2010 年6 月18~20 日发生在湖南的一次大范围暴雨过程进行分析,结果表明:(1)深厚湿层中的中低层垂直风切变使得强对流上升运动集中在中下层,有利于短