Tropospheric carbon monoxide over the Pacific during HIPPO:Two-way coupled simulation of GEOS-Chem a

来源 :第五届全国大气边界层物理和大气化学学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oyfj2009
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  Global chemical transport models(CTMs)are used extensively to study air pollution and transport at a global scale.These models are limited by coarse horizontal resolutions,not allowing for detailed representation of small-scale nonlinear processes over the pollutant source regions.Here we couple the global GEOS-Chem CTM and its three high-resolution nested models to simulate the tropospheric carbon monoxide(CO)over the Pacific Ocean during five HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations(HIPPO)campaigns between 2009 and 2011.
This study aims to estimate the feedback between aerosol and meteorological variables including temperature,humidity,wind,atmosphere stability in the atmospheric boundary layer during a severe fog-haz
辽宁中部城市群是东北地区的主要大气污染区域之一。本文综合利用卫星遥感、地面监测、激光雷达、后向轨迹及数值模式等诸多资料及手段,探讨了该地区大气污染成因及形成机理。研究结果表明:引发该地区三级以上重污染事件的天气形势主要为5 类,分别为:高压前部均压场型、长白山小高压型、弱低压场型、高压后部弱梯度场型及地形槽型,其中受高压前部均压场型影响的污染事件出现频次最高。来自京津冀的外来输送对于辽宁中部城市群
Field campaigns monitoring the aerosol optical properties and chemical components of PM10 were carried out in Beijing in 2006 summer.The average light extinction coefficient bext,dry aerosol scatterin
气溶胶作为主要污染物,通过影响呼吸道发病率与死亡率来影响人类健康,通过直接地散射和吸收辐射,改变辐射平衡;或间接地改变云深度和反照率来影响气候,此外还能降低能见度,人为气溶胶排放随着工业化和动力化快速增长,带来了长距离输送的区域和全球影响.北京从十九世纪八十年代已经开展了许多短期TSP 和PM10(颗粒物动力学直径小于10 μm)的研究.十九世纪九十年代更多注意力放在PM2.5 上(颗粒物动力学直
无锡地区2013 年11 月6 日至9 日经历了一次灰霾污染,10 日至13 日空气质量转为“良”.针对此次典型的污染过程,采用地基遥感大气颗粒物监测激光雷达,结合近地面颗粒物质量浓度(PM10,PM2.5)、大气碳黑浓度(BC)、大气成分(O3,SO2,NOx)对此次灰霾特征进行监测分析.地基大气颗粒物激光雷达的探测结果表明污染时段积聚在边界层内的颗粒物是导致本地空气质量恶化的重要因素(例如11
Since volatile organic compounds(VOCs)are important precursors of ozone(O3),identification and quantification of their emission sources are prerequisite for the formulation and implementation of O3 po
Haze pollution is most serious across winter in Beijing and contamination in 2012 heating period in winter was more serious than that in 2011.As coal combustion is an important source of haze particle
本文使用GEOS-Chem 来模拟全球主要人为污染源的远距离传输结果,并以CO 作为示踪气体探究O3 的传输路径,以区分O3 的传输过程与光化学反应过程,着重分析其他地区的人为污染源对我国O3传输贡献的季节变化和垂直分布。研究显示:欧洲人为排放所造成的O3传输主要影响我国35°N 以北地区,且在对流层低层浓度达到最高,O3 主要依靠西风带和边界层的水平传输影响我国;北美对我国的影响比欧洲偏南,由于
An eight-month record(2013,5-2013,12)of surface NO2 concentration from 184 urban automatic meteorological observation stations is used to analyzing characteristic of spatial and temporal NO2 distribut