Suspension front and the impact of training on muscle strength special student college sports triple

来源 :第7届全国青年体育科学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tcliany
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  (Research Objective)Suspension Training is a core part of the development of human strength and improve muscle control, an effective way to prevent sports injuries, many sports projects to benefit from the suspension of training.Adding suspension training content in conventional strength training program, strength training observed this way special student sports colleges Triple Jump abdomen, back muscle strength training affect the results, thereby exploring whether training can improve suspension Triple Jump Sports College Majors abdomen, back muscle strength.In addition, through research, special institutions for the triple jump sports physical training of students new ways to gain.Research Methods In this paper, literature, expert interviews, questionnaires, statistics and experimental research on these issues are analyzed in this experiment Capital Institute of Physical Education Sports Training Department 2011 special eight boys triple jump as experimental subjects, experimental subjects were two national athletes, according to test data before the experiment, the subjects were divided into experimental and control groups, for eight weeks of training.Control group front and the traditional model of muscle strength training, suspension training the experimental group added in the training process.Research Results Both groups and the maximum static strength occurred rapidly than before to experiment with different degrees of change, the experimental group showed maximum static strength more substantial and rapid improvement in the control group subjects have not been significantly improved, two group, the difference was significantly (P <0.05).Suspension training can effectively enhance the triple jump special student abdomen, back muscle strength: two subjects crunches, sit two onwards, supine leg raise, after the prone back extension, prone two values are compared from five significant changes (P <0.01) occurred before the experiment.There was a significant difference between the control group (P <0.05) in the experimental group were compared with the control group, the experimental group improved amplitude.Research Conclusion Suspension training can effectively improve the triple jump special student abdomen, back and fast maximum static strength.After suspension training can better control the muscles innervated by the nerve.Suspension training of students by improving the triple jump special front and muscle strength, while improving the energy output from the front and to the movement of the limbs and other muscles, to improve the special achievement has a positive meaning.Recommendation: Principles coaches to develop training programs based on individual characteristics suspended athletes and the actual situation, follow the strength training, and constantly improve the difficulty of the action, focused on strengthening the weak links in the training.Suspension training should be combined with other strength exercises together to improve power quality athletes.Most sports suspension training are static movement, muscles isometric contraction.Therefore, before and after the training must be fully stretching exercises, accelerate the discharge of muscle metabolites inside.