Tibetan Person Attributes Extraction Based on BP Neural Network

来源 :第十五届全国计算语言学学术会议(CCL2016)暨第四届基于自然标注大数据的自然语言处理国际学术研讨会(NLP-NABD | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZF6VE5
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  At present,Tibetan information is quickly connected with modernization and information,which results the expansive development of Tibetan information on the network.In the face of the massive network information,extracting the information that people want is an urgent problem to be solved.Currently,Chinese person attributes extraction studies have some good results,but there is still much space to Tibetan person attributes extraction.The paper uses person attribute keywords,case-auxiliary word,verbs and other related meaningful words as features to vector,constructs the error BP neural network model and utilizes this model to identification and classification for Tibetan person attributes,and achieved good results.This research has a very important role in the search engine,information security,machine translation and many other applications.
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