An Analysis of Defects in the Golden Tax Project

来源 :2010年财政管理创新与经济可持续发展国际会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiger_adan
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  There are four defects in the Golden Tax Project (GTP).Firstly, managing tax by invoice cannot prevent the development of underground economy.Secondly, GTP cannot collect tax effectively.Thirdly, the united networks that include public finance, tax, bank, and treasury cannot monitor taxpayer.Finally, GTP enlarges the incomes difference between local governments based on the tax-sharing system.There are some suggestions for the reform of GTP.The first suggestion is to implement integrated management that includes bank, invoice, and account in GTP.The second one is that the central government should develop tax-controlling POS that links the GTP.The third one is to promote the united networks that include public finance, tax, bank, and treasury.The last one is to reform tax-sharing system so that the GTP can promote a balanced allocation of funds between local governments.
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