Hierarchically Penalized Cox Regression for High-Dimensional Censored Data with Grouped Variables an

来源 :2009 International Conference on Financial Statistics and Fi | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a77115280
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  In many biological and other scientific applications,prediction variables are naturally grouped.For example,in biological applications,assayed genes or proteins are grouped by biological roles or biological pathways.When studying the dependence of survival outcome on these grouped prediction variables,it is desirable to select variables at both the group level and the variable-specific level.In this article,we develop a new method to handle the group variable selection in the Cox proportional hazards model.Our method not only effectively removes unimportant groups,but also maintains the flexibility of selecting variables within the identified groups.We also show that the new method offers the potential for achieving the asymptotic oracle property as in Fan and Li (2001,2002).
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  Comparing mean treatment effect is one of the most popular methods in statistical literature.If one can have observations directly from treatment and contro
一阵风.扬起沙粒无数,与他为伴。一人一马.孤独的走向沙漠深处。他口渴难耐,下马想喝点水袋中的水.没想到不慎失手.整袋水都打翻在沙地上。大漠茫茫.黄沙漫漫.只剩下 A gust
  We discuss an empirical likelihood (EL) based method of inference for a common mean using data from several independent but no homogeneous samples.For point
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  Based on the return rates of stock markets in Shanghai and Shenzhen,utilizing the non-parametric density estimation,GARCH model,Granger causality tests as w