Field study of environment quality in airliner cabin of China

来源 :中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会第五届年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hrmcttkl
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SUMMARY: In this paper, the environmental parameters in airliner cabin of China are investigated through thefield study and questionnaire survey in 8 domestic flights. The measured parameters include temperature, relativehumidity, wind speed, cabin pressure and the concentrations of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide,nitrogen dioxide, ozone, TVOCs, formaldehyde and microorganisms. Through the questionnaire involving 37passengers, the subject subjective votes of the environment are investigated.The thermal environment, humidsensation, draughts, air quality, odor and the chief complaints of discomfort symptomsare concerned. The resultsof the investigation show thatin the airliner cabin the air temperature in wintertime is too high, the relativehumidity is a little lower, while the concentrations of carbon dioxide and TVOCs are higher than the specifiedvalues in the codes. It also shows that all the parameters except for temperature are in the limited ranges stipulatedin the relevant design codes for aircraft. According to the questionnaire survey, the rank of the environmentalfactors, which affect the overall degree of satisfaction, is noise, air quality, temperature, cabin pressure, relativehumidity, and vibration.
室内外环境中,空气微生物污染与人体健康密切相关。文章在北京市选取31 户有1 岁至12 岁儿童的家庭进行空气微生物取样,系统研究了室内家庭空气微生物污染特征。结果表明,北京市
基于CCHH 问卷,本文对南京市6461 名1-8 岁儿童进行问卷调查研究,旨在研究加湿器的使用现状与室内不良空气环境及儿童过敏性疾病的关系。调查发现8.7%的儿童患有哮喘,患病率显着
  利用连续提取法研究了巢湖流域富磷地质岩石中磷素(即岩源磷)的组成特征.结果显示:研究区岩源磷总含量为73~13mg/kg,平均为90mg/kg,有效磷含量为0.57~2.87 mg/kg,平均为1.65
本文首先对湖南某高校的20 栋建筑进行空调能耗调查与统计,分析了校园建筑的空调能耗特点与分布规律,然后根据当地典型气象年数据与自然通风的热适应性特点,计算出当空调开启温