Incorporation increasing of Daunorubicin adding by Titanium dioxide Nanopatricles for cancer therapy

来源 :第二十二届浙江省肿瘤防治学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:idcwang
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  Titanium dioxide nanoparticleswhich are well known with their photocatalytic activity have become one of the most potential nanomaterialsapplied in environmental scientific research and clinical exploring fields.To evaluate the effect of drug delivery carrier role of titanium dioxide nanoparticles combined with anticancer drug,daunorubicin.on cancer cells.fluorescence microscopy.MTT and FCM assay have been explored in this study.Our observations demonstrate that compared with the effect of daunorubicin alone,the intracellular concentrations of daunorubicin in cancer cells like liver SMMC-7721 cancer ceils obviously increase in the presence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles.Besides,it is observed that the ultra violent illumination can further enhance the lethality of cancer cells.These results indicate that the titanium dioxide nanoparticles can act as an efficient carrier for drug delivery to increase the uptake of drugs and hence lessen the toxic side is evident that this new combination of titanium dioxide nanoparticles and anticancer drugs could be utilized as an optimal strategy for their promising biomedical application in cancer therapy.
开国元帅刘伯承毕生不求索取,但求奉献,把一切献给了党和人民;他学识渊博、光明磊落、大公无私、纯真务实的人格魅力,赢得了广大军民的衷心爱戴和钦佩。真可谓“将军爱人民,人民敬将军”。  “关心群众的利益可不是小事情啊!”  抗日战争时期,有一天,刘伯承下部队检查工作。他来到一个旅的司令部,这个旅的领导都下基层了,旅部值班员快步迎上去:“报告师长,我是值班员——作战股长刘鹏旭。”  刘伯承很随便地在一张
On April 11,2015,in order to give commendation to those scholars who have committed great contributions in the field of Chinese comparative literature,Chinese C
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