Life at the single molecule level

来源 :2015 Genomics Frontiers Symposium(2015基因组学前沿研讨会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:csnd123
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DNA exists as single molecules in individual cells.Point mutations and copy number variations, which are major dynamical changes of DNA, can now be studied at the single cell level by whole genome amplification and sequencing.Experiments probing the biology of meiosis and cancer will be described.We have demonstrated the pre-implantation genomic screening of embryos for in vitro fertilization in order to avoid miscarriage and genetic diseases.We also studied circulating tumor cells, which provide genetic signatures for personalized therapy of cancer.
Disclosure Acted as a consultant / speaker for Amylin Pharmaceuticals LLC,Novartis, Roche, Sanofi, AstraZeneca and GI Dynamics Received grants in support from P
学术前沿:探讨糖尿病精准医疗2017AACE年会,Judith Fradkin博士发表演讲:《糖尿病精准医疗:我们到哪了?》精准药物设计,是精准医疗的技术支撑精准医疗技术支撑药物基因组学精
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