Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies Mechanisms of Action

来源 :2011第四届世界癌症大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wc4854598
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  Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) represent the largest group of therapeutic proteins in development.To date, approximately 30 mAbs have been approved worldwide to treat various human diseases.Therapeutic mAbs exert their in vivo activity via the engagement of multiple mechanisms of action.Depending on the biology of the target molecule, the epitope recognized and the clinical application, therapeutic mAbs are selected or designed to act by four principal modes of actions: blockade, agonism, effector function recruitment, and immunoconjugate delivery.Novel insights into antibody biology and immunotherapy mechanisms set a strong foundation for the generation of next-generation antibody therapeutics with improved structure-function characteristics.This lecture will provide an overview of the field with a focus on exciting new developments.
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[摘 要]本文从心理影响、口语教材、语言环境和教学模式方面对制约大学生英语口语发展的原因进行分析,并对大学生英语口语学习提出自己的一些看法。  [关键词]大学生;英语口语;制约因素;学习策略  听、说、读、写是在大学英语教学的四个环节。而“听”是许多大学生感到比较困难的一个环节,它成为了制约大学英语学习的一个主要方面,这是因为传统教学和考试比较测重阅读的方式。然而,随着全球经济一体化趋势,国际间
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