The application of anova on Cs-137 migration in soil

来源 :第四届城市、工业、交通和矿山土壤国际会议(The 4th International Conference on Sol | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kang573
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  ANOVA is a one of key statistics analysis method which was widely applied in data testing especially in multiple samples analysis.The demand on comparing the influence factor for radionuclide migration in different ecosystem and soil profile were undertaken by using ANVOA is quite reasonable.It was utilized simple equilibrium method approaching more complex,time-dependent,process-orientated methods to solve the problem in eco-system.The "black compartmental model" was set up for dealing with the radionuclide migration in soil within the northwest of Gansu province,After fitting the analytical solution to the data,values of the migration rates for each soil horizon were obtained from which it was possible to calculated both the isotopes' residence half times and migration velocities.The experimental design for ANVOA analysis is as table 1.Migration velocities and the residence half times for individual soil layers can be calculated by applying the Batemann Equations from the practical sampling.Both conclusions of the concentration of Cso137 in this area is not high and there is no long term hazard was deduced from the authentically analysis and theory study.Table 1 the simulated analysis results on Cs-137 residence half times in the soil profile The influence for radionuclide migration rate were quite complexity.Two factor on both soil profile and region site were chosen among the relevant factor for ANVOA,F-test were shown the factors relativity after the multiple comparison.FA=3.146 < F =7.709 That indicated there were no significant difference for radio-Cesium migration in the different ecosystem.FB=204.3 > F =6.388 That Indicated there were significant difference for radio-Cesium migration in the different soil profile.
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2006年12月底,影星刘烨在接受采访时幸福地对记者表示:“我的跨国之恋很奇妙!我目前和女友相处得很开心,我的父母已经在催促我们抽出时间结婚。”  刘烨的女友是一位漂亮的美国姑娘,两人相识于好莱坞大片《暗物质》剧组。刘烨在《蓝宇》、《满城尽带黄金甲》等影视剧中扮演的全是忧郁、怯懦、缺乏男人气概的角色,生活中的刘烨却是倔强自尊的血性男儿。在美国拍摄《暗物质》时,刘烨为了维护中国人的尊严,公然和好莱坞
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1993年ICRP第2委员会英国Bournemouth会议概况陈兴安(卫生部工业卫生实验所)1993年9月22~24日,国际放射防护委员会第2委员会在英国Bournemouth城举行了本届(1993~1997)首次会议,出席会议的16名委员,其中7名... 1993 ICRP Committee 2 Bourn