An Easy Fabricated Microfluidic Chip for Long Term Cell Culture

来源 :第八届全国微全分析系统学术会议、第三届全国微纳尺度生物分离分析学术会议暨第五届国际微化学与微系统学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:langzi229229
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  Microfluidic chip is an independent,high-throughput,integrated and nano-scale technic which can integrate the preparation,reaction separation and detection in the progress of chemical and biological fields to one square centimeters area [1].Using microfluidic chips for cell culture is a kind of saving and advanced technics.For example,with different design of gradient generators,it can be chosen as a powerful drug delivery tool; Take advantages of mini-structure,we can establish different kind of biological molds like co-culture or observe the interact between cell and microenvironment; Also,it can make a revolution for cell analysis.Here we report a microfluidic chip which is made of NOA 81 that can be fabricated in just a few hours.Compared with the method of fabricating PDMS,there is no worried about the scrap template.Its convenient for the initial attempt for the different design of microfluidic chip.Different cells were digested and suspended from the culture dish and then seeded into the chip with an appropriate density of 105-106.The chip was then putted into the incubator.After 2h for cell settlement and adherence,a micropump began to work with a speed of 30ul/h and rest for 1 hour alternatively for nutriment and metabolic waste exchanging [2].The result shows that all of the cells in the chip can keep normal shape and good proliferation.Fig.1 shows different time period,SH-SY5Y cells in the chip under optical microscope with the same view.The cells appear normal shape and keep good viability.As time goes on,there is an obvious proliferation which directly shown on the picture.With proper nutrient exchanging,the cells in the chip can keep alive for more than one week.Picture d shows the cells which were digested and educed from the chip into a normal culture dish keep a good viability after 4 days.Furthermore,we also test Hela,HCT 116 and SH-SY5Y with EGFP expression in the chip.With the same procedures,all kinds of cells can keep good viability of more than one week.Fig.2 gives a general good state of different cells on the third day.
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