Increasing Flood Risk to Climate Change and Human Activities:A Case Study in Xiang River Basin, Chin

来源 :第四届亚洲风险评估与管理国际会议(EARAM2009) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longyilang
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  Hydrological regimes of river system have been changing under climate change and human activities,so study on the trends of these hydrologic variables can provide references for water resource management and flood risk analysis.Xiang river,a tributary of Yangtze River was chosen to investigate the hydrological responses to climate change and human activities.Based on the site data of daily runoff and water level as well as the deduced annual,seasonal and monthly runoff and water level series over the past thirty years,a non-parametric statistical method (Mann-Kendall trend test) is employed to detect trends and abruption of runoff and water level in Xiang River Basin suffering by severe floods.
【摘 要】随着社会经济的快速发展,社会信息技术也处于高速变化发展中。机电一体化是一门强调实际应用的学科,机电一体化人才应当保持知识和技术的先进性和前沿性。然而,当前机电一体化教学滞后于技术发展,无法满足社会的需求。本文分析了当前机电一体化教学中存在的问题和制约因素,并提出了推进机电一体化教学改革的思路,以供参考。  【关键词】机电一体化;教学改革;探析        1.机电一体化教学的必要性  
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