Rapid determination of amino acids without derivatization using hydrophilic interaction ultra-high p

来源 :中华中医药学会中药分析分会第五届学术交流会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seakider
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  A novel hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS/MS) method was developed for the simultaneous determination of 23 free amino acids without derivatization.The method was performed on an ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) separation system coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (TQ-MS),operating in positive ionization mode.Sufficient separation of the 23 underivatized amino acids was achieved on an Acquity BEH Amide column (2.1 mm × 100 mm,1.7 um) in a single run of 12 min at a flow rate of 0.4 mL min-1.The limits of detection were in the range from 0.17 to 77.75 ng mL-1.All the analytes were quantified directly from biological extracts without any kind of derivatization,which avoided the laborious and time-consuming of derivatization procedures used by the traditional method.Also,the more polar compounds were separated without utilization of perfluorinated acids as ion-pairing reagents which was not suggested for ESI source.Then,the method was applied for the analysis of the free amino acids in 46 batches of Ziziphus jujuba fruits which comprised 39 cultivars from 26 cultivation regions.Multivariate statistical analysis was also used to investigate the differences in free amino acid profiles among the samples.This study showed that HILIC-UHPLC-TQ-MS is an effective technique to analyze underivatized amino acids in the biological samples.
目的:对黄芩苷原料中的有关物质进行定性鉴别;对黄芩苷原料溶液进行加速破坏实验,探讨黄芩苷原料中的各成分在加速破环实验中的变化规律.方法:采用Agilent SB-C18色谱柱,以甲醇-水为流动相梯度洗脱,检测波长为274nm,柱温为30℃.结果:黄芩苷原料样品中含有黄芩素、汉黄芩苷、千层纸素A-7-O葡萄糖醛酸苷及其他几种待定化合物.结论:光照对黄芩苷原料溶液的稳定性影响不显著;40℃放置对黄芩苷
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A strategy based on chemical markers’ fishing and knockout has been proposed for holistic activity and interaction evaluation of the bioactive components in herbal medicines (HMs).It was devised to sc
目的:探索不同产地及树龄果用银杏叶中总银杏酸的含量变化.方法:采用HPLC测定果用银杏叶中总银杏酸的含量.色谱条件为Apollo C18色谱柱,流动相甲醇-1%冰醋酸水溶液(90:10);流速1.0 mL.min-1;检测波长310 nm;柱温35℃;进样量20μl,外标法计算含量.结果:果用银杏叶中银杏酸的含量随年龄和产地变化差异较大,10~30年生果用银杏叶总银杏酸含量偏低;按地区分 布,江苏