Precision Analysis of Wide-area IonosphericCorrection Triangular Partition Method in Low Latitudes

来源 :第六届中国卫星导航学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bianyitijie
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  Ionospheric delay error is the main error source of the satellite navigation system,the current two common ionosphere error correction models- klobuchar and grid were initially put forward by the United States in order to improve its local GPS positioning precision and developed,which are currently two most commonly used and effective ionospheric error correction methods,but due to the characteristics of topography distribution in China: rooster-shape irregular distribution,and low latitudes occupy a larger proportion in the whole territory.There exists some limitations in the ionospheric delay error correction when its application to the beidou navigation system ofChina.Improving the positioning precision of the beidou navigation system needs further weaken the influence of various error sources,in order to solve the problem - ionosphere accurate correction of beidou navigation system in our country,wide-area ionosphere correction triangular partition method is proposed.Early according to the actual data of the China earthquake ionospheric monitoring network,The precision of the method is examined by eight reference stations of mid-latitude regions of our country,which has a better correction effect;Later using the observation data of China crustal observation netmakes triangular partition method accuracy verification of low latitudes in China and makes comparison with grid mode,the results show that triangular partition method is not only improved obviously to the mid-latitude ionospheric error,but also is superior to grid model in low latitudes,which has important reference value toionospheric delay error correction of beidou navigation system.
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