Printed electronics and its industrialization prospects

来源 :第七届微米纳米技术创新与产业化国际论坛(The 7th International Workshop on Innova | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanshidemeng36
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  In recent years,printing has come out of media and desktop publishing to become an alternative technique for making electronic devices.Printed electronics now becomes a new and raising industry sector,complementary to the silicon microelectronics,in producing those electronic products that require large area,flexibility,sometimes transparency and low cost.Though printed electronics originated from organic electronic materials,organic electronics has not led to the boom of printed electronics,because most of printable organic polymers do not have the performance rival to organic small molecule materials which in most cases have to be deposited by vacuum evaporation instead of printing.The opportunity for printed electronics only came in recent years when inorganic nanomaterials,such as carbon nanotubes,graphene and variety of nanoparticles,became mature and readily available.Inorganic nanomaterials are inherently better than organic polymers in terms of charge mobility and environment stability,and much easier to be used in real applications.This talk will give an overview of what is printed electronics,what are the key application areas of printed electronics,the development of this technology worldwide and the prospects of industrialization.
英 文 简 称 中 文 Aabord;作废acce88 authority table 接入认可表action field”行动区adapter j:8:ul:器address and function decoder 地址和功能解码器address buffer