The Impact of E-government on Corruption:Empirical Test with Panel Data Set on UN E-Government Surve

来源 :2013公共政策国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:t573249005
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  This study empirically test the impact of E-government on corruption with afive-year panel data set from the UN E-Government Surveys of 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, and 2010.Despite a long debate regarding the potential role of E-government for anti-corruption, little research has investigated an empirical relationship between E-government and corruption at cross-national levels.First, we compare the relative impact between e-government readiness index and e-participation index on the level of corruption between non-OECD and OECD countries.Second we explore what types of E-government index(comprising the on-line service index, the telecommunication infrastructure index and the human capital index) reduces the level of corruption.We find that the e-participation has more impact on reducing the corruption in OECD countries than the e-government readiness after controlling for variables such as national income, religion, and various types of governance factors including rule of law and democracy index.The impact of the e-government readiness is not statistically significant in the OECD countries.In addition both e-participation and e-government readiness have significant impact on reducing corruption in non-OECD countries, where the impact of the e-government readiness on corruption is larger in non-OECD countries than that of the e-participation.We compare the e-participation and the three sub-elements of the e-government readiness index in both OECD and non-OECD countries.Both the e-participation and the telecom infrastructure index are significant, where the impact of the e-participation is larger than that of the IT infrastructure index.the impact of the e-participation is not statistically significant in the non-OECD countries, but the impact of the telecom infrastructure in the non-OECD countries is highly significant.For the OECD countries, our finding suggests that the e-government readiness is not enough for anti-corruption strategies and that the e-participation is still necessary for an effective elimination of corruption.And the e-government readiness is more effective for reducing corruption in the non-OECD countries than the e-participation.The significant impact of the telecom infrastructure on reducing corruption should be paid to development policy makers.
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