ESIPT-based fluorescent probes for detection of intracellular small molecules in hydrophobic microen

来源 :中国化学会第十届全国化学生物学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaojinzhu123
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  ESIPT(excited-state intramolecular proton transfer)is emerging as a new design principle for fluorescence probes and attracts extensive attention in many fields of chemical and biological sciences for their unique optoelectronic features.
细胞色素P450 单加氧酶是由半胱氨酸作为轴向配体的含铁血红素金属酶超级家族,广泛分布于哺乳动物、软体动物、昆虫、植物、细菌和真菌当中,能够在温和条件下催化多种不活泼有机化合物的氧化反应,在合成应用方面具有巨大的潜力。
Modified nucleotides,especially those related to epigenetic or epitranscriptomicfunctions,provide critical regulatory information beyond their sequence and alsodefine cell status in higher organisms.
Protein folding occurs as a set of transitions between structural states within an energy landscape.An oversimplified view of the folding process emerges when transiently populated states are undetect
Many nanomaterials can be used as sensors or transducers in biomedical research and they form the essential components of transformative novel biotechnologies.In this study,we present an all-optical m
DNA,这一细胞内的核心遗传物质,并不是仅仅以标准的形态存在。相反,基因组DNA会不断地发生各种化学修饰,其中既包含环境导致的损伤,也囊括内源性的修饰,都是不断动态地发生和去除的。在基因表达中,RNA 聚合酶Ⅱ(Pol Ⅱ)在真核生物中负责所有mRNA前体的转录合成。
DNA 甲基化(5-methylcytosine,5-mC)是一种重要的表观遗传修饰.5-mC除了存在于DNA 中,也广泛存在于各种RNA 中.DNA/RNA 中的甲基化一般是酶催化形成的,其正常含量和分布是维持正常生命活动的基础.由于DNA/RNA代谢降解可以产生核苷酸(包括甲基化核苷酸),如果这些内源性甲基化核苷酸被利用进行DNA/RNA 的合成,那么DNA/RNA 上的甲基化修饰分布会具有很
The intracellular microenvironment including polarity and pH is the feedback of a series of complex mechanisms that establish and maintain functionally of particular domains.