Nanotechnology Contribution in Neuroscience: A Scientometrics Approach

来源 :BIT`s 3rd Annual World Congress of NeuroTalk-2012(2012第三届国际神 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wj34271996
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  Nanotechnology is an emerging interdisciplinary area of science and engineering with considerable potential for changing how we manipulate and control materials and devices at the molecular level (usually defined within the range of 1-100 nm), using physical or chemical methods, or both.Applications of nanotechnology to medicine complement other approaches for the diagnosis, treatment and study of disease.Applications of nanotechnology to neurology, and to neuroscience more broadly, represent emerging next-generation therapies and basic research tools that emphasize the ever increasing integration of the physical sciences with medicine.Neuroscientists have a unique role in developing nanotechnologies.Both researchers and clinicians need to identify potential applications of nanotechnology in neuroscience and neurology to maximize their impact.Scientists with other specialties can develop powerful platform technologies and even provide neuroscience-specific examples, but it is only with direct input from and in partnership with neuroscientists that broad neurophysiological and clinical applications can be properly formulated and addressed.We used scientometrics tools and techniques to find the out how the research publication ofnanotechnology contribution in neuroscience has grown up by using the medical databases like Medline, PubMed, etc.Quantitative and the qualitative of the research publications in this specific field will be useful for the researchers to develop.Comparing countries and the institutional contributions are also been provided by using the scientometrics tools.
The imaging and target detection methods for stepped frequency signal based on the wavelet transform and its power spectrum are investigated. Not only an imagin
要想抓到“衰老”这个窃贼,似乎是一桩不可能完成的任务。到底是什么原因造成白发丛生,皱纹爬满面庞,变为驼背老公公的呢?自古以来,均无定论。直至今日,有关引起衰老的假说虽层出不穷,但犹如瞎子摸象,各说各的,莫衷一是。  本文抛开各种各样的假说,让衰老的侦探钻入细胞的DNA里去一探究竟。DNA是一根很长很长的螺旋形长链。上面分布有不同的碱基对。这些称为嘌呤和嘧啶的碱基对组成三联体密码,也即基因,控制着机