Economic Growth and Corridor Development in Eastern Cape, South Africa

来源 :第十八届中国科协年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yclmq
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  Eastern Cape is one of the regions in South Africa,which fulfils pre-conditions for corridor development.This study investigated the different cases to construct the corridor development in this region.These cases may contribute for the Eastern Cape economic growth.We use transport corridors as corridor development approach to provide a backbone or spatial focus for regional cooperation on sustainable projects,clustering them along corridors or at nodal centres on the corridors.Then,we consider spatial units such as cities.Cities can be conceived as nodes in a network.Their development is influenced by the quality of links with comprehensive means: roads,railways,canals,airports and seaports.Thus,we analyze the effect of changes in transport links (e.g.highway) on the relative position of cities.As a result,we find that transportation corridor in the Eastern Cape that would be most suitable for the implementation of fixed-guide way,high capacity (rail or bus rapid transit) service and for transit oriented development to support higher capacity transit services.And we also find that corridor development constructed in this region can contribute significantly on economic growth for South Africa as a whole.
  This file provides a template for writing papers for the forum.The proceedings will be published in CD-ROM only.The full paper in MS Word file shall be writ
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