Interannual variability and climatological significance of zonal-wind shear between 200hPa and 850hP

来源 :青藏高原与邻近地区天气气候及其全球影响学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfklfgkffh
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  The monthly values of the zonal-wind vertical difference or zonal-wind shear (ZWS) between 200hPa and 850hPa were used to assess the interannual variability of the tropospheric circulation anomalies.Seven regional indices of ZWS with the standard deviation more than 5m/s were constructed.These regions are located in the central equatorial Pacific, eastern equatorial Pacific, north and south subtropical Pacific, the equatorial Atlantic, subtropical Arabia and Northeast Asia.The interannual variability of ZWS indices at the first 5 regions in the equatorial-subtropical Pacific and equatorial Atlantic are strongly correlated with the ENSO cycle, which reflects the impact of tropical ocean temperature anomaly on the tropospheric circulation in the lower latitudes.The last two ZWA indices, which are the signals of the climate variation over South Asia and Northeast Asia, differ significantly from the ENSO index in the interarmual timescale.By analyzing land precipitation and temperature field of the whole world and comparing the tropical and subtropical ZWS indices with the AO index, the last two ZWS indices could well represent anomalous model of land precipitation and temperature field in the middle and high latitude.
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