Impact of Air Entertainment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Performance of High Performance Mor

来源 :The 10th International Symposium on High Performance Concret | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shiweifeng15
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  At the Magnel Laboratory for Concrete Research an intensive vacuum mixer which can regulate the air pressure is available.As such the amount of entrapped air in cementitious materials can be varied.The effect of the reduced air content due to vacuum mixing on the rheology and workability was already investigated in previous work.Furthermore, the previous work investigated the influence of entrained air on the rheological properties.
摘 要:变电运维工作进行的目的在于检测变电设备运行中存在的各种问题,为电力系统安全、平稳运行提供基础保障。文章分析了变电运维的价值,论述了带电检测技术在变电运维中的应用优势,文章最后对带电检测技术在变电运维中的应用进行了深入研究,以期可以给相关工作者以借鉴。  关键词:带电检测技术;变电运维;实际应用;有效研究  中图分类号:TM507 文献标识码:A 文章编号:167
摘 要:随着5G网络的推广建设,万物互联的时代即将来临,新形势下“智慧城市”的概念逐渐得到推广和发展。企业作为一个城市的重要组成部分和产业载体,“智慧企业”和“智慧城市”建设息息相关。“智慧企业”建设是企业在技术高速更新、信息爆炸的新时代中健康发展的必然选择,“智慧城市”建设同时也是企业建设“智慧企业”的重大机遇。  关键词:智慧城市;国有企业;智慧企业;信息化  中图分类号:F426.2
  The microbead modified super sulfate cement (SSC) was employed to prepare C60~C80 concrete, this work emphasis on mechanical properties and micro-mechanism,
  For their remarkable properties, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are considered as promising candidate for next generation of high performance and functional cement
  In this paper, the influence of water cement ratio, prewetting degree of lightweight aggregate, flyash content and air content on the internal relative humi
  The primary long and short term advantages of high strength concrete are, low creep and shrinkage, higher stiffness, higher elastic modulus, higher tensile
摘 要:随着我国经济实力的增强,电网公司的经销模式也需要更新换代,紧跟时代发展,从能源供应商、单一售电商的传统模式转化为综合能源服务商。针对电力营销精益化实行的综合能源服务模式进行研究很有必要。文章主要分析了综合能源服务的发展脉络和目标、在电网企业实行的必要性和意义,以及电力营销精益化下的综合能源服务,希望能够为后期工作提供借鉴。  关键词:电力企业;营销精益化;综合能源服务  中图分类号:F42